Real families. Real reviews.

“Heidi was fantastic. Her plan for us was well thought out and addressed our concerns perfectly. We have had bad experiences with trying to sleep train our son. We tried when he was younger cause all our friends were saying how much it helped them. For us it got worse. So we continued to put him to sleep by rocking and playing music. It worked well for us until it didn’t. It became hours of battling our son to sleep. We were frustrated with our son, with each other and with the situation. Worst of all he wouldn’t fall asleep until 10, maybe 9 if he missed his nap. He was also waking at least 1 to 2 times a night. He needed us to hold him in order to fall asleep. When we had our second son we were exhausted. With Heidi’s help he now falls asleep independently, at an appropriate time and has yet to miss a nap. He has so much more energy, plays more and doesn’t ask to play his “shows” all day. He also gets excited about bedtime. He is a happy, healthier little boy.”

— Sarah, Minnesota

“Heidi was spectacular!! My wife and I felt extremely well supported throughout the process. She followed and encouraged us when it was tough and was always very positive. It was a pleasure to work with her and our family has benefited from her expertise, empathy and support! We will definitely recommend her to anyone we know going through sleep training with their kids! Heidi, it’s been a blessing working with you. Your approach with compassion was principal to our continuation and I know many families will benefit from that. Thank you. I wish you the best, and we’ll miss working with you”

— Violet & Clive, Minnesota

“My husband and I were hesitant to sleep train our son. During our 15 minute consultation, we knew immediately that we wanted to work with Heidi. She not only was compassionate and supportive towards our hesitations, but also shared scientific knowledge and her own personal experience to put our minds at ease. Her customized plan was thorough and well thought out with our son's needs in mind. Within the first few days, our son was easily falling asleep on his own and taking much longer naps. Heidi held our hand throughout the entire process and we can not thank her enough.”

— TIffany, Maryland

“3 weeks ago our 6 month old was contact napping and waking 3-5 times a night. He was exhausted and we were in very rough shape. After discussing our goals with Heidi and choosing a sleep method we could sustain, we went for it and its was the best decision for our family. We are in a much healthier place now, our son is averaging 15 hours of quality sleep per day. Heidi was great to work with, we needed accountability and she was great at balancing firm but polite guidance to two sleep deprived, learning parents. Your experience will be different from ours as your habits and situation and child(ren) are different but if you are willing to adopt the changes she recommends and be consistent with them, you will see a positive response in your child's sleep.

We have no regrets, Heidi made such an impact on our daily life and we can’t thank her enough! ”

— Angela, Michigan

“My twin girls were almost 1 and I was waking up with them about 10-15 times a night. My whole life seemed to be revolving around not sleeping and I felt like I had newborns instead of almost toddlers. Investing in Goodnight Sleep Site was one of the best decisions I have made. Heidi was so kind, encouraging, and full of helpful information. Just a few weeks after starting, my girls are sleeping 11 hours at night and my life is changed!”

— Karissa, Iowa

“Our experience with Heidi was literally life changing! We have three kids and had no problems getting the older two to sleep as babies so i feel like i know what I’m doing and have some experience with getting babies to sleep. However, with our 8 month old, none of our strategies were working. We’ve been sleep deprived since she was born and it only seemed to be getting worse. I was worried we’d never sleep again. Enter Heidi- Within a week she had my daughter sleeping through the night. She was so helpful, knowledgeable, and friendly. I would recommend her to anyone and have full confidence she’d be able to help you get some sleep!”

— Kristi, Texas

“Our little one was about 4.5 months when we found Heidi. We had tried a bunch of different sleep programs that just didn’t work or that worked for a little bit and then didn’t (and or were not aligned with what we comfortable with doing). Working with Heidi and hiring a sleep coach with goodnight sleep literally helped changed our “sleep” life. This has been an incredible experience. We appreciate the professionalism and felt we had someone to really guide us through this process while hearing what was comfortable for us as parents. Highly recommend!”

— Kristal, Missouri

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